For many individuals, one of the items that take up the most significant portion of their budget is food and groceries. It should be no surprise that many families look for methods to save costs associated with this expenditure, such as using coupons and shopping applications.
Ibotta is one example of this kind of shopping software; it enables users to receive cash back on various purchases, including those made in-store, online, and at restaurants; this includes grocery shopping and other items.
What is Ibotta?
Ibotta is a cashback application that compensates you for making daily purchases such as groceries and other products. Ibotta has partnered with over 1,500 businesses to provide you with cash back on most everyday things, including grocery, cosmetics, and household goods.
So far, Ibotta has returned $860 million in cash and other prizes to its customers. When you shop in-store (with the Ibotta application) or online (with the Ibotta plugin), they will give you cash back on qualifying purchases.
The best part is that there are no fees associated with making use of it.
How to start using Ibotta?
To begin, you must first register an account with Ibotta. You may sign up for the application or register online. You will be required to give an email and establish a passcode when you join for the first time.
You will also be required to input basic personal information, such as your name and birthday. In addition, you’ll be given a choice to enable location services and alerts. For Ibotta to know what shops and deals are near you, it uses this information to locate them.
How does Ibotta work?
Ibotta can function by providing users with opportunities to earn cash back. The way that it operates is simple and uncomplicated to understand. After you have registered an account, you will be able to search for your preferred or most convenient merchants, explore the deals that are now available, and request cash back on transactions you have planned in the future.
When you find a deal that interests you and wants to redeem it, all you have to do is “claim” that deal and add it to your shopping basket. After then, whether you’re shopping in-person or online, you should be sure to include products in your basket that qualify for the deals you’ve already claimed. Ibotta will allow you to submit a claim for the cashback after you have completed the transaction.
When your profits exceed $20, you can withdraw the money from your account and deposit it into your bank account.
How much can you save using Ibotta?
The amount you may save by utilizing Ibotta is directly proportional to the amount of shopping you do.
The offers you choose to redeem on Ibotta will determine the amount of cashback you are eligible to receive via the app. There is a range of different incentive rates, with ten cents being the minimum cashback amount.
However, many deals are between 50 cents to one dollar, and some offer 3 dollars or more.
Pros and Cons
Here are some pros and cons of Ibotta
- You may use Ibotta to get cash back on expenditures that you were already planning to make, even those that were not related to food.
- Find deals with little effort. When utilizing the app, searching for “any brand” discounts, or using the web browser to purchase online, it’s simple to locate and redeem deals from your favorite retailers.
- There are three different ways to get cashback. Earnings may be deposited straight into your banking account or PayPal, or you could just opt to exchange them for gift cards.
- Once you’ve accumulated $20 in Ibotta rewards, you’ll be able to cash out.
- The usage of Ibotta is entirely free, but the company will take a $3.99 monthly fee out of your profits if you don’t use the application for more than 180 days. Redeeming at least one deal every 6 months will prevent this from happening.
- When using Ibotta, you must claim offers before purchasing to get cashback. In this regard, it functions just as a coupon would. You won’t earn cashback if you don’t redeem the deal before making a purchase.
- Ibotta requires viewing an advertisement before you can “activate” some offers on the app.
Final Review of Ibotta
It is recommended that you give Ibotta a go because of how easy it is to use, you can utilize it almost anywhere, and the essence is that it is free. Ibotta may not provide you with a significant income, but the money you make is straightforward. In addition, there are no hoops that need to be jumped through.
How much money will I be able to save?
You may anticipate saving between $5 and $10 at the end of the week. Although this may not seem like much, keep in mind that you may increase the amount of money you save by combining this strategy with couponing for additional discounts. This simple method may be used each week to save money.
When and how will I get paid?
Ibotta will payout you after you hit $20 in earnings. This should be accomplished within a couple of weeks if used frequently.
What exactly is the Ibotta Pay feature?
Ibotta just introduced a new service called Pay with Ibotta, which enables users to gain money in real-time. You may earn points immediately by simply connecting a bank card and shopping with any one of the more than 50 partners.
Is it safe to use Ibotta?
Ibotta may be used without worry! They use 256-bit encryption.
The exact amount of encryption banks uses as part of their stringent safety measures.
Does Ibotta allow you to redeem old receipts?
Ibotta does not permit the use of older receipts; instead, users are required to upload their invoices within seven days of the date of the shopping excursion they are redeeming an offer for.